There are three short stories added to the writing section of fluffysminion website, all of which will get you thinking.
There's Fate's Embrace, a horror short story to start you off. Then there's Muscle Memory, a creepy sci-fi story and finally there's the cryptic Lichen on the tracks. Have fun rading them, I did writing them.
I've also been busy with my beadwork. I was asked to design an Alien for one of my followers on Deviant Art. This was by far the most complex thing I have ever done. Check out Sidra on the bead page
Fluffysminion's artwork has now been added to the site. There are two galleries you need to take a peek at.
Digital Art
Here you will find a selection of the digital artwork produced by fluffysminion over the last few years. Some simple drawings to more complex selections. Some have been drawn for fun and others on request from her deviant Art fans. Have fun viewing these. See more....
Traditional Art
As well as working on the computer, fluffysminion is a dab hand at traditional materials as well. check this out for some really good paintings. See More....
See a watercolour being developed.
See photographs of the development of out Of the Void.